This update contains important fixes and improvements for left-handed players, and several other improvements for everyone.
Version 1.1.276 changelog
Improved ammo pouch location – it’s now closer to the player to avoid accidentally grabbing holstered weapons instead of magazines
Displayed controller mapping now reflects the selected control mode (left- or right-handed)
It is now possible to choose which thumbstick you’d like to use for movement/turning

Left-handed mode: weapons now spawn in the left hand in Co-op
Civilian NPCs now wear masks
Left-handed mode: fixed the loadout UI interface – it was impossible to change loadouts in version 1.0.264
Left-handed mode: fixed a UI scrolling issue
Co-op: fixed an issue that could cause crashes when pressing ‘next level’ at the end of a mission
Co-op: fixed a rare “floating hand” issue – previously Co-op buddies could leave their hands behind
We aren’t stopping here!
Currently we plan to release two more updates in June – the next one’s main focus will be native bHaptics support, while the one after that will improve the AI behaviour and animations even more alongside further visual- and countless gameplay/UI improvements.
New weapons and new content are coming as well! We’ve started experimenting with new game modes, stay tuned for more info!
We’d love to hear your feedback!
Join our Discord to share your first impressions and suggestions, find Co-op buddies, or just hang out
If you encounter any technical issues, please send us an email to
See you in-game!
Dan & the whole XREAL Games Team